Quick update...

Well... It seems like forever since I've updated...
Last Saturday We shot Danielle and Harold's wonderful wedding at Summerville First Baptist...
A BIG shout out to Jen Harder-Finley for helping Chip with the reception, while I booked it over to Jake's Bar Mitzvah... WE LOVE YA JEN!!!!! (even if ya do shoot Nikon... hehe)

Sunday, we traveled up to Orangeburg to Chuck and Bonnie's absolutely STUNNING wedding at Buckridge Plantation...

But.. I promise, I'll post more on that later this week...

Here are a few shots from Jake's Bar Mitzvah!

While at the Bar Mitzvah, Josh was asking quite a few questions about photography and I decided to put him to work! I gave him my back up camera body and a flash, put on a lens and turned him loose!

The whole lot of them!!