Lindsay & Keith...

umm... Really... Words can't describe how AWESOME this couple is in front of the camera...

They came down here on their one year anniversary and booked a TTD session before they came...

Check it out!


Lindsay said...

MIKE!! These turned out SOOOOO FREAKING AMAZING!! Thank you so much again for doing this with us, they turned out better than we could have imagined! It was so great working with you, you did an AWESOME job! :)

Lindsay & Keith

Lauren said...

These look fabulous :D Great job!

Castle Video Productions said...

Holy crap! Lindsay, they are sooo good. But...I have a question. Did you actually get IN to the water? Hmmmmm???? You know if I would have been there you would have been totally under! :) Haha! I love the pictures though. The hot-pink jewelry is amazing!

Shannon Confair said...

This is a great set! I'm a photographer from PA. A friend of mine sent me here- I just did my first rtd session a few weeks ago.
Shannon Confair Photography