Sam + Christa = Devotion

We started our day on IOP... (That's "Isle Of Palms" for you non-sandlappers)

Umm... I'm not quite sure I need to comment on this one. I just thought it was goofy!

The sky was absatively, posalutely AWESOME! (I had to take a picture of it while in the back seat on the way to the church!)

We had a few seconds before the ceremony started to put the veil on...

The ceremony had a worship service complete with music and Holy Sprit!
You couldn't help but sing along! It was a VERY moving experience.

The whole gang!

The members of the bridal party each had their own "unique" way to make their own "grand entrance"... We were in stitches the whole time!

Sam... Christa... I hope you guys are having a BLAST in your new home in Hawaii!!

PS... I know I have a WHOLE lot more bloggin I gotta do... I hang my head in shame...
hehe.. I'll get more up this weekend...


Chip said...

That was one awesome wedding. I am glad I got to shoot with you!!