umm... Sorry...

I know that I have been behind on my blogging, there has been SOO much stuff going on here.
As most of you know Rachel is in the last stages of pregnancy with Jack, so getting ready for the birth, and getting the new site up and runnning has taken alot of our time.
To answer alot of questions we are having a home birth. (The birthing tub got delivered last week) Our midwife, Nicole is probably as wacky as I am, is going to scoot over so I catch can Jack!! Click HERE for more info on water births

So to clients, and friends alike, please pray for us as we go through this!


stephanie dukes said...

good luck with baby jack

jewels said...

WHERE IS Baby Jack?!?!

jewels said...
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Mike said...

well... He's being lazy... LOL! I'll keep you guys posted!!