Credit where it's due...

Tillman Branch Photography would not be what it is with out the hard work of 2 very special people.
1) Rachel- My wife who keeps me on track and running in the correct direction. My Financial adviser, the scheduling department and much, much more!!
My life would be a huge chaotic MESS with out her!

Rachel... I know I don't show you the attention that you deserve, But I do love you!!

2) Chip- Words can't express how impressed with his skills in photography and his eye for a photo! Here are a few from his stash that I thought I should show.

Chip.. yer my Bro... Thanks for going on this Grand venture with me!! I can't wait to see what next year has in store for us!!

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I am truly blessed to have these two people along with all my other friends and family in my life.
I love you guys!


Chip said...

Thanks for the kind words and your friendship! I think the next years will be filled with hard work and good times!

I also want to thank Rachel who keeps us square and on track!! Thanks!!!