It has been a wild ride here lately!!
I have MUCH to blog about! Engagement sessions, Weddings, meetings, and just news in general!
The contest we just held was a pretty good hit! I was surprised how may people got in contact with us! There were SOOOooo many stories that Chip and I enjoyed reading. There were stories that sounded like they had stepped straight out of a fairy tale book. I was pushed to tears a few times there! We had such a hard time picking the best one... I wish we could shoot all of them! There were stories of chance meetings that are turning into life time commitments, stories of long distance relationships that are making it happen against the odds that the world has set against them.
Rachel and my anniversary was on Thursday... Normally, I remember at the last min or TOTALLY forget, (hey.. I'm a man...) but this year, I planned something special... (yea... I actually put thought into my anniversary!!) But more on that later!
oh.. Our workflow has been COMPLETELY turned upside down... Rachel's Laptop took a nose dive 2 weeks ago, and it had ALL our tax stuff on it. It's been my experience that when a hard drive crashed, it will give you signs or symptoms. but not this time!! It went down hard! So we have been looking into converting all my editing over to Mac anyway so we bit the bullet and bought a Mac and she got my laptop.
This conversion has caused me a little bit of grief because I had NO software for a Mac, so I had to get all new editing software. Now that Photoshop CS3 and Lightroom is loaded on the mac, I'm getting the new workflow down a little more and getting faster due to Lightroom!
Little Jack is getting SOOO big now! I'll post up some shots that Chip took of him in a bit.
Anyway, We are still here, we haven't died *yet*...
Long time no see!!
And the Winner is......
Gary and Kirsten! We want to thank everyone who entered as we enjoyed reading about your engagements and first dates!
Once I get the Ok we will post a snippet of their winning entry along with a little background info.
Congratulations you guys! We look forward to working with you!
Mike & Chip
Labels: branch, Charleston, ems, fire, free wedding, military, photography, police, teacher, tillman
Whispers On Wentworth
I've known Lynn for almost a year now, so when she asked if I would shoot her and the girls (and Oliver) I jumped at the Idea!
A few things you need to know before you go to Whispers....
1)They were voted "Charlestons Best" hair salon... by Charleston City Paper!
2) If you are looking for one of those stuffy "run-of-the-mill" hair salons, You had better look somewhere else!! These guys know what the heck they are doing and they have fun while they are doing it!